I am a Haitian-American teacher-learner working toward social change and justice. I have experience building connections across lines of difference and creating structures that support community and interpersonal relationship-building.
My lived experiences as a frequently punished student motivated me to join Teach for America where I both developed skills as a presenter of information and also gained new perspectives on social inequality.
Prior to enrolling at the University of Miami School of Law, I worked as a Restorative Justice Coordinator through the Center for Court Innovation at the number one “persistently dangerous” high school in South Brooklyn. There I was part of a National Institute of Justice multi-million dollar research grant on school climate and discipline where I introduced Circle practice, designed and implemented school-wide disciplinary interventions, which dramatically reduced suspensions. At the same time, I enrolled at Teachers College, Columbia University where I produced original research documenting New York City’s School to Prison Pipeline.
Now, I’m studying law and interested in sharing the knowledge and tools I’ve assembled over the years to help others push in the direction of justice.